Introducing a new series of influential and stylish warrior watches, we would like to present Blue Seal Watches. Rising from the depths to roaming the land and finally to soar through the skies, we present a new brand of watches that are made inspired from the Seals because we know that they are as special as every other warrior that safeguards our home base from adversaries. Named SEALs because their training to step into the unknown through Sea, Land and Sky, these heroes are true to their cause whom protect us in time of need and to guard us against the dangers of the world and to rescue us whenever and wherever we’re needed.
Each one presents a different style to match the personality and the dangerous profession these people who watch over us have. They are powerful warriors of modern times, and that’s why we have chosen those names: Because each of the Warrior series asserts for a powerful spin in showcasing style and authority.
These watches are more than a tool to tell time: they make a statement. Likewise, heroes are made by their actions and courage. They are warriors in every way, and sometimes heroes are neglected. These labels are our spurs to them. So they know that we recognized what they do for us and the strong vigil they keep in order to maintain safety. Each one displays a robust durability, a powerful and unique characteristic that stands out amongst one another. They feature a strong sense of belonging, which is the emotion we’d like to inject to these characteristics of a true-blue SEALS.
It’s all about hope and inspiration.
Blue Seal Watches, coming through sea, land, and sky to your wrist.